Welcome to IVONY

Enjoy our new edition to the Blog world.
Ivony...for all you beautiful men and women of both, ivory and ebony ethinicity!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Am I different?

Searching thru the web pages of the Internet, I ran across many questions and comments from bi-racial individuals. Varies questions were asked, such as : "Am I different?", "How do I fit in?"

Now you can see this from two different perspectives.
  1. From a worldly point of view
  2. From a Godly point of view

I prefer the secondary one, however I will mention both scenarios.

In the worlds eyes we are different because in most cases neither white nor black people accept us 100%. Now that can be argued by whom ever, but the action in society shows that to be true.

According to the world you are to find and/or make your place in society and achieve as much success as possible regardless of origin and color. Is that possible when your looked at in a different way from everyone else? Yes...of course! It's not like you have a deadly disease that keeps you from doing so. Most of the time I think we stand in our own way more then anything else, and things that should not hinder us at all become the biggest mountains until we realize that aside from God no one decides our future but ourselves.

I understand that the fact of our origin cannot just be ignored but nor should it be used as a crutch.

I have lived here in America for 10 years now. Being in a mixed relationship and therefore surrounded by both worlds, I have experienced the best and the worst of this country.

Racism still exists rather we like it or not.

I guarantee that most of you reading this automatically thought of racism coming from white people. For some weird reason that is how almost everyone perceives this comment. But I will be the first to tell you that it is definitely a multi-racial recurring problem, that has been dealt out by more then just the Caucasian race.

Being the mom of 4 beautiful children who are obviously mixed as well, I can only say this much.

Be yourself in every aspect and never compromise your true identity and believe. Find out who your are inside and the outside will represent exactly that. You have not been put on this planet to please everyone and if you think for one second you could...your thinking very wrong. In God's eyes we are all the same and we should act accordingly.

If fitting in and pleasing other is your objective, you will spend a lifetime chasing the end of the rainbow.



We heard of Ivory and Ebony...as a matter of fact there is a magazine called Ebony.

So we have the Ivory and Ebony people covered.

But what about us??? People of both ethnicity's!

We are in need of certain knowledge pooling as well and yet there is nothing to pool from.

So....here we are....IVONY!!!

Dedicated to all those beautiful men and women of both origins.

Ivony will be touching pretty much every subject and desired topic to give important information to you withput the hassle of searching hi and low.
Let us do the research you have enough on your hands.

Topics will include but are not limited to the following:

-skin care products
-make up
-hair care
-immigration issues
-presidential point of view

Many, many more topics will be covered and your imput is definitely most important to make this blog as interesting and informative as possible.

We are open to any questions you might have.

Feel free to contact us at any time.